Here we go again! I’m lucky enough to once again be going to a World Scout Jamboree. This this time around I’m going to be part of the International Service Team (IST). This is the team of Adult Volunteers from all around the World that help run the event for the Scouts that are attending. They’ll be several 1000 IST and along with over 40,000 Scouts there will be 50,000 people on the site for the duration of the Jamboree.
The Jamboree is being held in SaeManGeum, Jeollabuk-do, Republic of Korea from the 1st – 12th August.

However the image looks lush and green, sadly thats not the case as you may know it’s been raining A LOT in Korea, so far WhatsApp has lots of images of what we might expect when we get to site.

Think it might be a tad muddy, better buy some wellies when we get to Seoul.
So lots to look forward to, also from the Andrews household Rachel and Emily are also part of the IST and we are travelling together. We fly Tuesday to Seoul via Doha and arrive on Wednesday evening, 3 nights in Seoul with some free time and a trip to the DMZ (Korean Demilitarized Zone) between North and South Korea before heading off to the Jamboree for our IST Training before the Scouts arrive.

Keep an eye on the Blog I hope to post daily whilst in Korea and also more photos at Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/alastair.andrews
Well done Ali, you are very generous with your time supporting these young people. Good luck and I look forward to seeing more.
Take care, make sure you stay hydrated and look after the ladies, look forward to reading the adventures over the coming days.