Day 18 Always people to meet

Up for breakfast then off to work. On my way I came across the flag raising ceremony, everyday representatives of each Country come to raise their flag, a real honour for those chosen.


I’m now working in the Science HQ. We brief teams as they arrive then direct them to the modules. Most do 2 then come for a stamp, but the record is 9.

A busy morning, break for lunch then same again in the afternoon.

After work to the local shop to buy some beers then sitting outside socialising with other IST. We met them from Portugal, Venezuela and 2 women a Muslim from Jerusalem and a a Atheist from St Petersburg working for a Foundation of the Saudi Royal Family promoting peace and religious cooperation.

I really need to practice my selfie face!

After dinner we wondered over to the Food area and enjoyed some Sprite whilst watching the Scouts go mad to the hard electric pop Dutch music.